When an offshore oil rig or other major production elements become outdated, the elements need to be handled properly. It is important to establish how to disassemble, which parts can be reused, what to sell on and how to handle waste.

We can offer complete, safe and reliable planning and design for your decom project!

Please contact us to discuss decom logistics

We would be happy to help with your decom logistics.

Decom waste management

We can manage decommissioning in the North Sea in close collaboration with waste management specialists and can cover anything from individual shipments to complete planning and design. 

Our specialist decom team

Our specialists in traffic brokerage, shipping, risk management and project management will look after your cargo and your project requirements in accordance with the highest of standards.

They will ensure that you receive materials and machine components at the agreed time, the agreed price and in the agreed quality.  


We can guarantee a seamless offshore decom project and can be available 24/7 if required