ColliCare Brand logo

ColliCare logo

Our logo consists of an orange C
(PMS 151), drawn by merging the two C's in ColliCare, and then the company name in black.

If you wish to use our logo, or needs guidance of usage, please contact marketing for further brand guideline; Hanne Totland 

CC logo ENG.jpg


ColliCare colour palette

ColliCare Brand Colours

The colour pallette of ColliCare consists of bright and strong colours, to emphasise our profile as a solid logistics provider.

Our main colours is orange, black, grey and white.

If you need more information about our colours, download our guidelines or contact our marketing department; Hanne Totland 



ColliCare typography

ColliCare Brand Fonts

Print: Avenir

DigitaI and web: Google font Lato

For more information about our fonts, download our guidelines or contact our marketing department; Hanne Totland 



ColliCare photos

ColliCare Photos

ColliCare is using our own photos to support and build our brand and services.

If you need access to our photos and illustrations, please contact Marketing: Hanne Totland 



ColliCare branding

ColliCare branded trucks and vans

ColliCare trucks and vans are branded according to our profile manual.

If you need more information about branding vehicles, please contact Marketing: Annicken Jegersberg 
