Navigazione indietro gront-skip

ColliCare Group participating in greener Container vessel project

The access to hire vessels has become more and more challenging – especially in Europe. There are many reasons for the unavailability of vessels today, but knowing that there has not been any new ships built since 2010, it really becomes challenging to aim for a greener future.  

Go greener

In cooperation with the “Grønt Skipsfartsprogram” (Green shipping program) – ColliCare group is looking into the possibility of building a brand new methanol powered container vessel. The project is at this stage only a “desktop exercise”, which will decide if further process is possible end of this year.

One of our goals is to become greener, and today this is measured by getting more transport off the roads and onto the sea. But – what about the actual traffic at sea? Only this year we have experienced ports being partially closed, due to congestion! We have to act now – or the whole fleet will become too old, and too pollutive!

Being part of the transition ourselves, with this project we commit stronger to our green targets, but also reduce operating costs and increase our operational independence. Today, the ColliCare groups shortsea traffic is handled by a 100% owned subsidiary Viasea.

But why go to such a length of building a ship

  • get the latest energy efficient technology

  • new design will make it more efficient and optimal storage onboard

  • user defined

  • flexible and controlled operations

  • risk reduction

The Norwegian government has set a target at reducing climate emission on ships and fishing industry with 50 percent within 2030. We also know that a new tax regime will make it more ineffective and expensive to run a business with older ships. We consider it worthwhile to be in the forefront of this shift.


With this in mind – how can we not?